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Your request has been completed and the following tables may be reviewed or downloaded to your computer: - Description : Unit 2 of Georgia - Date of retrieval : 19-JUL-01 - Data requested by : - Identification No.: 141720 - Retrieval type: County - Number of forested plots 1476 - Number of sample trees 31910 - States with date of inventory: Georgia 1997 - Plot selection criteria: - Tree selection criteria: Ownership (all) Size of tree (all) Stand age (all) Species (all) Volume class (all) Damage (all) Slope (all) Forest type group (all) Past forest type group (all) Stand origin (all) Past stand origin (all) Physiographic class (all) Site class (all) The data in these tables are derived by sampling and are subject to statistical error. It is highly advised that users derive confidence intervals for the point estimates reported in these tables in order to judge the suitability of particular subsets of data for their particular applications. Note: Tree selection will have no effect on the results of area related tables (tables 1-9) which are independent of tree level attributes. The data base includes information which may have been collected in a slightly different way from one state to another. When information is collected that crosses state boundaries the user may want to check with respective FIA units for possible differences.
Table 00 - All tables Table 01 - Area by county and land class Table 02 - Area of timberland by county and ownership class Table 03 - Area of timberland by county and forest type group Table 04 - Area of timberland by county and stand-size class Table 05 - Area of timberland by county and site class Table 06 - Area of timberland by county and stocking classes of growing-stock trees Table 07 - Area of timberland by forest type and ownership class Table 08 - Area of timberland by ownership and stocking classes of growing-stock trees Table 09 - Area of timberland by forest type and stand-size class Table 10 - Number of live trees on timberland by species and diameter class Table 11 - Number of growing-stock trees on timberland by species and diameter class Table 12 - Volume of growing stock on timberland by species and diameter class Table 13 - Volume of growing stock in saw-log portion of sawtimber trees on timberland by species and diameter class Table 14 - Volume of sawtimber on timberland by species and diameter class Table 15 - Volume of growing stock and sawtimber on timberland by county and species group Table 16 - Volume of timber on timberland by classes of timber and species group Table 17 - Volume of live trees and growing stock on timberland by ownership class and species group Table 18 - Average net annual growth of growing stock and sawtimber on timberland by county and species group Table 19 - Average annual removals of growing stock and sawtimber on timberland by county and species group Table 20 - Average net annual growth and average annual removals of growing stock on timberland by species Table 21 - Average net annual growth and average annual removals of sawtimber on timberland by species Table 22 - Average annual mortality of growing stock and sawtimber on timberland by species Table 23 - Average net annual growth and average annual removals of growing stock on timberland by ownership class and species Table 24 - Average net annual growth and average annual removals of sawtimber on timberland by ownership class and species Table 25 - Volume of sawtimber on timberland by species and tree grade