1997 2000 volume area
volume %  area % volume %  area % Distributions comparison diff % diff diff % diff
0-10 1,666,757,565 4.95 6,323,820.26 26.55 1,473,050,782 4.21 6,071,288.12 25.41 0.99965 chi-sqare area -193,706,783 -11.6218 -252,532.14 -3.99335
11-20 3,673,704,661 10.91 4,425,898.88 18.58 4,767,548,102 13.62 5,027,598.82 21.04 0.98807 chi-sqare volume 1,093,843,441 29.77494 601,699.94 13.59498
21-30 3,637,169,408 10.81 2,411,526.26 10.12 4,345,425,004 12.41 2,557,226.19 10.70 708,255,596 19.47271 145,699.93 6.041814
31-40 4,053,800,568 12.04 2,362,613.58 9.92 4,234,366,696 12.10 2,138,855.10 8.95 180,566,128 4.454243 -223,758.48 -9.4708
41-50 5,693,803,940 16.91 2,563,066.10 10.76 6,362,737,438 18.18 2,657,315.03 11.12 668,933,498 11.74845 94,248.93 3.677195
51-60 5,913,502,765 17.57 2,387,517.23 10.02 5,628,785,750 16.08 2,126,168.23 8.90 -284,717,016 -4.81469 -261,349.00 -10.9465
61-70 4,066,455,333 12.08 1,512,378.87 6.35 3,952,189,421 11.29 1,524,424.87 6.38 -114,265,912 -2.80996 12,046.00 0.796494
71-80 2,338,065,560 6.95 833,558.11 3.50 2,053,753,742 5.87 850,192.58 3.56 -284,311,819 -12.1601 16,634.47 1.995598
80+ 2,618,154,994 7.78 997,305.42 4.19 2,184,083,575 6.24 940,576.52 3.94 -434,071,419 -16.5793 -56,728.90 -5.68822
Sum 33,661,414,794 100.00 23,817,684.71 100.00 35,001,940,510 100.00 23,893,645.46 100.00 1,340,525,716 3.982381 75,960.75 0.318926
% 3.982380788 increase of total volume 3.1 standard error %
% 0.318925836 increase of forest area 0.33 standard error %
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